Andover Lutheran Cemetery

Andover, Henry, Illinois, United States


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Cemetery is located close to the Jenny Lind Chapel and one of the earliest Swedish Lutheran churches in Illinois. The church was built by its pastor, Jonas Swenson, and dedicated in 1870. The Lutheran Church in Andover was one of the largest, if not the largest of the Swedish-Lutheran churches of the time.\n\nSwenson came to Andover from Jamestown, New York, and became president of the Augustana Synod. He is the only pastor who is buried in the cemetery at Jenny Lind Chapel, the mother church of the Augustana Synod established by Lars Paul Esbjörn, first president of Augustana College now in Rock Island, Illinois.\n\nCarl Swenson, the most famous of Jonas Swenson\'s children, became a leader among Swedish immigrants. He was the founder and first president of Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas.
Andover Lutheran Cemetery, Criado por cqlundquist, Andover, Henry, Illinois, United States