St Marys Church, Bathwick

Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, England, United Kingdom


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Established as the churchyard for (the second) St Mary’s, Bathwick (opened 1820). The mortuary chapel was consecrated in 1855 and the land consecrated in 1856. The original sections were extended in 1907 doubling its size. There were over 5,000 burials and burial of ashes continues. Note that there is also the original churchyard in Bathwick Street for the first St Mary’s church (demolished in 1818) and the cemetery administered by the Bathwick Burial Board which was opened in 1861 and catered for both Anglicans and nonconformists. Bath Record Office’s Bath Burial Index ( has online documentation produced by Phil Bendall for the burial ground based on the burial registers and a survey. This includes, a history of the burial ground, images of surviving memorials, transcriptions of the inscriptions, research into the individuals and a map. See also which identifies notable individuals buried here.
St Marys Church, Bathwick, Criado por Bromjo, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, England, United Kingdom