Brant Family Gravesite

Grand Canyon Village, Coconino, Arizona, United States


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Charles Brant was born in Russia about 1859. His father was Russian and his mother was Swedish. Charles emigrated to the U.S. in 1875 and married Olga Zina in 1893. Olga was born in France in 1875; her mother was English; her father was French. She emigrated to the U.S. in 1878. Charles was the manager of the El Tovar Hotel at the Grand Canyon; his wife was assistant manager. In the 1920 census there were over 56 employees listed; among them were waitresses, cooks, chambermaids, bus boys, servants, etc. Widower of Olga with whom he rests.They were well liked and respected residents of the Grand Canyon Village. Charles Brant was one of the early managers of the El Tovar Hotel, and he and his wife requested that when they died they wanted to be buried where they could see the El Tovar Hotel from their final resting spot. Their beloved dog Razzle Dazzle outlived them, and when he passed away he was buried along side his owners Charles and Olga. The El Tovar Hotel was opened in 1905 and rests at the northern terminus of the Grand Canyon Railway. The style evolved the National Park Service into using rustic architecture.
Brant Family Gravesite, Criado por Texas Reiver, Grand Canyon Village, Coconino, Arizona, United States