Burnt Creek (Bromley) Cemetery

Bromley, Central Goldfields Shire, Victoria, Australia


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In August 1861 it was reported that a new lead of gold at Burnt Creek had been discovered by a digger named Chipps ... the locality was Andersons Hill (Hicks) ... A large rush began, which established the town of Bromley. The Chinese, who outnumbered the whites six to one on this rush, had all the "fancy ground", and opened the lower end of it, known as Hong Kong Lead, which was still being worked in May the following year. This hill is now partly occupied by the Dunolly tip, but the Bromley cemetery survives. This cemetery is located about 200 m E of the dump. The cemetery is located on a small 30m square fenced reserve. Three stone headstones still stand: Eliza Harse, 25 October 1857--surrounded by cast iron fence. John Cameron, 25 August 1858; manufacturer--Roberts & Co, 19 Lonsdale Street. Thomas Sinnott, 24 August 1856. Scattered around the reserve are at least 7 mounds or depressions suggesting graves, and 16 likely graves outlined by small quartz lumps.
Burnt Creek (Bromley) Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Bromley, Central Goldfields Shire, Victoria, Australia