Chamberlain Cemetery

Kingsville, Kleberg, Texas, United States


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735 WEST CAESAR AVENUE In order to better market and transport cattle from area ranches at the turn of the twentieth century, Henrietta King, owner of the King Ranch, and other ranchers joined to bring the St. Louis, Brownsville and Mexico Railway through the area to Brownsville in 1904. Railway headquarters were established in the new town of Kingsville. Mrs. King and her son-in-law, Robert J Kleberg, formed the Kingsville town and improvement company to sell ranch land in and around the new townsite. In 1908, the Kingsville cemetery association purchased a forty-acre tract from the company, including a portion of property that was the location of many earlier burials. In April 1909, a cemetery was opened and named for Henrietta King's father, Hiram Chamberlain, a noted minister who organized the first protestant church on the Southern Rio Grande. Cemetery Association President Charles H. Flato sold lots from his business, the Kingsville Hardware company. Clyde M Allen, a Kingsville merchant, served as a non-paid manager fo the cemetery for the next fifty years.
Chamberlain Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Kingsville, Kleberg, Texas, United States