Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Darenth

Dartford, Kent, England, United Kingdom


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Coordinates 51.41896943081979, 0.2432650174815351 Contains the burials of multiple Polish Soldiers who have the same headstones, concrete crosses, some still having their names. Some have no names. Nearby was The Polish Neurosis Unit at the Mabledon Psychiatric Hospital where all the men received treatment for 'Shell-Shock' or as it is now known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The men had no belongings, just their uniforms, and were a very long way from home. Most not speaking or had very little English. There were 200 beds and the soldiers were patients for many years. After being discharged the Soldiers married local people and settled into civilian life. The concrete crosses are to remember those who supported us in winning WW2. We couldn't have done it without them.
Church of St Margaret of Antioch, Darenth, Criado por Tabatha, Dartford, Kent, England, United Kingdom