Creagleville Cemetery

Grand Saline, Van Zandt, Texas, United States


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The Creagleville cemetery is located on CR 1818. An historical marker is installed there, where the Old Dallas/Shreveport Road and CR 1818 intersect. The oldest existing grave dates back to 1864. Creagleville was once a thriving rural community that originated in the early 1840’s. The cemetery is named for Henry Creagle. Mr. Creagle was a native German who settled in the area in about 1847. A schoolhouse was built near the Creagle home in the 1850’s. Later the church was built and then the need for a cemetery was established and the original 3 acres was deeded by Mr. B. F. Wheeler in 1879, officially establishing the cemetery spot where graves already existed. Creagleville Cemetery has remained viable and active in spite of the decline of the community and the eventual consolidation of the school with Grand Saline in 1941, and the closing of the church in 1991. The church has been revived in recent years and regular weekly services are held there at this time.\nLocated approximately 2 miles east of Fruitvale,Tx. Take FM 1818 South aproximatley .75 miles. It goes right to entrance of cemetery.
Creagleville Cemetery, Criado por Raymond Anders, Grand Saline, Van Zandt, Texas, United States