Eastfield Cemetery, Cumbernauld

Dullatur, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom


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This cemetery on Craighalbert Road, Cumbernauld was opened for interments in 1954 and covers 1.61 hectares, approximately 70 burials take place each year.\n\nGeneral information\n\nA location map for Eastfield cemetery can be viewed under \'other related websites\'. The post code for the cemetery is G68 0EA.\n\nOur cemetery grave digging team have all completed the Cemetery Operatives Training Scheme (COTS) and have satisfied the instructors and assessors of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) that they are proficient in meeting their standard covering health and safety and the burial process.\n\nAll lairs within our cemeteries are lawn style and can only be purchased at the time of burials and only in cemeteries where space permits. Eastfield cemetery has new lairs available for purchase. The purchase of a lair or burial plot grants the holder the exclusive right to burial, there is no transfer of land ownership.\n\nIt is usual to have three coffin interments in a lair although this may vary due to ground conditions, coffin sizes or depth of previously interred coffins. Cremated remains can also be interred in a new or existing lair after the appropriate permission has been obtained. A new lair cannot be purchased for the scattering of ashes, although this can be performed on existing lairs when the appropriate permission has been obtained.\n\nPlease be aware that some disarrangement of the lair and any adornments can be caused when it or nearby lairs are opened.\n\nLairs are provided forever and the maintenance of the lair and the surrounding cemetery ground is carried out by cemetery staff. Usually the lairholder is responsible for matters about the lair. In normal circumstances, the lair holder has authority over the use of the lair and the erection of memorials. \n\nWe have a Memorial Masons Registration Scheme which ensures that all memorials erected follow the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) Code of Safe Working Practice which can be accessed through \'other related websites\'. This scheme protects both you and us and a list of registered memorial masons can be found under \'related articles\'.\n
Eastfield Cemetery, Cumbernauld, Criado por parahandy, Dullatur, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom