Darbun Mormon Cemetery

Kokomo, Walthall, Mississippi, United States


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Please change the name of this cemetery to Darbun Mormon Cemetery. The address is correct. I am the historian for the Darbun Mormon Church and Cemetery Committee. We are about to publish a history for the Old Darbun Mormon Church and cemetery, it will be digital and put on the familysearch.org in a year. It covers from beginning 1891 until 1988 when the Darbun Mormon Church was Closed and turned over to the cemetery committee those that attended there growing up an were there until it closed. We as the committee are trying to maintain it and hope to have it on the historical record of the state when old enough. The history has lots of old pictures and we covered the cemetery and have pictures of all the oldest buried there from 1848 until 1917 the tombstones with a picture attached of each one. There are at this tome 255 buried there now.We have a complete listing of all buried there with tombstones and those with no tombstone. I will be willing to share all of this soon,I release all my records first week of Nov. to Salt Lake, I will have a bit more time there after to give a lot to this cemetery and those buried there too. Barbara Street Sandifer
Darbun Mormon Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Kokomo, Walthall, Mississippi, United States