Dinas Noddfa Baptist Chapel, Plasmarl

Plasmarl, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom


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The Baptist Chapel is a grade 11 listed building and up for sale, the Cemetery is from the back of the chapel up to Trewyddfa road the records are stored in Swansea Archives but the cemetery has been ignored and I went there around 2011 to check it out. I photographed the Headstones that I could about 20 were overturned and to heavy to lift, I have added all the Headstones that I can. [On a very serious note: Please be aware this cemetery is a dangerous place, and I would warn anyone going there to take someone with them and to be very careful there is a drain vent at the top leaking water through the centre of the ground and its carved a path through the middle although it looks normal it's actually unstable and the ground moves taking you with it. (I ended up with a cracked rib, cuts and bruises and severe shock after being pulled from the top to the bottom and hitting a lamp post that actually stopped my descent. very dangerous).
Dinas Noddfa Baptist Chapel, Plasmarl, Criado por Paula Cornell, Plasmarl, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom