South Prairie Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery

Clayton, Adams, Illinois, United States


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Evangelical Lutheran or as it is known locally as 'South Prairie' Cemetery is located in the NE ¼ of Section 16 – Clayton Township (T.1N.-R.5W.) of Adams County, Illinois. The Cemetery is part of Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod located at 205 W 3rd St, Golden, IL 62339, phone number (217)696-2642. The Cemetery is maintained by the Holy Cross Men's Club. It has good access and is well kept located on North 2200th Avenue – just west of East 2800th Street. The South Prairie Church once stood on a five-acre tract of land one mile north of this Cemetery. The Church was founded in 1843 as German Methodist, but in 1852 when the congregation signed their charter, it was to be a Lutheran Church as many of these Germans were of the Lutheran faith. There had been four church edifices on the original five acres before the Congregation moved into Golden and built a new church which was named “Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran” and is still in existence as of 2023. The cemetery originally was canvassed in May 1874, rechecked April 1989, and most recently February 2023.
South Prairie Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Clayton, Adams, Illinois, United States