St Mary Magdalene Church, Gillingham

Gillingham, Medway, England, United Kingdom


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The churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene was due to close on the 1st January 1859; this was extended to 1st April 1859. The new Grange Road Cemetery, two acres of Layfield, was consecrated on 25th June 1859. It began to fill up rapidly and the remaining nearly seven acres of Layfield were purchased and the new section was consecrated on 23rd November 1867. At the turn of the 19th – 20th century the cemetery was almost full and a new cemetery was needed, the new cemetery was established at Woodlands Road. Grange Road Cemetery was not closed until 1971. In 1973 Gillingham Council once again indulged in another bout of municipal vandalism and removed the majority of the monuments to the nearby tip. No proper record was made, consequently, much unique information was lost."
St Mary Magdalene Church, Gillingham, Criado por SamuelTaylorGeer, Gillingham, Medway, England, United Kingdom