Greenwood Cemetery

Union, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United States


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This is reportedly the oldest cemetery in New Castle PA. Some of the graves date back to the late 1700s. Many of the City\'s founding fathers are buried there. When you walk its extensive grounds, you recognize names on the tombstones that are also on street signs, parks and buildings in town. Pretty amazing. The cemetery is neither ethnic -- other than British Isle names -- nor specific to one religion. My ancestor died in 1915 and is buried there -- somewhere. At least 10% of the burial stones are no longer legible with the engravings worn away by time & weather. But even the fallen markers are propped up respectfully. The very few mausoleums there are in good shape. The majority of the graves are not personally attended to with flowers or other decorations. A groundskeeper said that an elderly couple decorates the veterans\' graves with flags each Memorial Day which is lovely. Not sure how the property is maintained but overall -- if it is by donation only -- it looks very good for its age.
Greenwood Cemetery, Criado por Linda Rippin, Union, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United States