Haight Family Burial Ground

Bedford, Westchester, New York, United States


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This is the former site of the Haight Family Burial Ground, which originally contained 3 burials.\n\n1. Nicholas Haight, d 16 May 1818 age 57 yrs, 8 mod & 20 days\n2. Jemima Halsted Haight, w. of Nicholas Haight d 13 Feb 1807 Aged 43 yrs 11 mod & 24 days\n3. Esther Haight Birdsall w of Timothy Birdsall, d 26 March 1807, Aged 25 yrs 6 mod & 25 days\nThe headstone of Nicholas Haight, and two footstones (N.H. & E.B.), the only stones remaining at the site in 2013, were relocated to St Matthews Churchyard in Bedford NY in 2013. \nSoil samples from the three plots were taken and reinterred at the new location. New headstones were created for Jemima Haight and Esther Birdsall, and placed next to Nicholas Haight in the Haight/Birdsall section of St Matthews Cemetery.\n\nThis small family burial ground was no longer safely accessible, and so removed.
Haight Family Burial Ground, Criado por FOBBG, Bedford, Westchester, New York, United States