Hunter-Merrill Cemetery

Eufaula, Barbour, Alabama, United States


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This old family cemetery is located on property that was previously a portion of the Hunter family plantation. Near downtown Historic Eufaula, off a dead-end dirt road, the surrounding property is believed to be currently owned by Dixon Lumber Company. In 8 September 1989, the land described as “Lot 6, Block D, Third Addition, on Pump Station Road (School Road)” was sold by M. C. Dixon Lumber Company, Inc., to a Betty Lou Adkins. The property deed is recorded in Deed Book 122, page 760. The sale price was $4,500 for approximately 9,500 square feet. However, according to Johnston family: “there is supposed to be a deed on file that states that the owners of the cemetery are all of the heirs of General John Lingard Hunter. The heirs of General Hunter, who currently live in Eufaula, are: Young Johnston III, Mary Foy Kirkland, Allen Kirkland, Merrill Dillon, Mary Dixon, Janie King, Margaret Russell and Preston Clayton.” [From notes provided by Merrill Johnston Dillon.]\nThe Young Johnston’s family is the cemetery’s current caretakers. Their relationship to the Hunter-Merrill families is through General John Lingard Hunter’s daughter Elizabeth Aiken Hunter Merrill. Inside this small family cemetery rest the remains of one of Alabama and Eufaula’s earliest settlers: Primarily the Major General John Lingard Hunter and the Allen Kent Merrill families. The earliest graves date from 1840s with the last burial in 1929. Alabama first settlers, planters, Soldiers, and Statesmen, the Hunter and Merrill families left their mark on this old Chattahoochee River town and our state. \n\nThis cemetery is listed on the Alabama Historical Cemetery Register (August 2013).
Hunter-Merrill Cemetery, Criado por helmickdavis, Eufaula, Barbour, Alabama, United States