Lower Melville Cemetery

Melville, Suffolk, New York, United States


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Located at the south end of Walt Whitman Road, before it's merge with busy Broad Hollow Road (Route 110), and no longer taking burials. It dates back to the 1800's, known in official Town of Huntington records as "The Little Church in the Wildwood Cemetery", because of the little white church that stood in front of the cemetery. Many of congregation are buried there including former pastors. While the building still stands, it currently isn't a church. The cemetery is often referred to as the Melville Cemetery. The sign at the entrance states "Huntington Historic Cemetery" (as do all Town of Huntington historic cemeteries) indicating that it is one of the official Town of Huntington historic cemeteries. The cemetery is managed by the Town of Huntington (NY) Historian and maintained by the town Department of General services.
Lower Melville Cemetery, Criado por cierragunn, Melville, Suffolk, New York, United States