James Madison Cemetery

Somerset, Orange, Virginia, United States


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The site of the Madison family original homestead stands very near to this small cemetery. James Madison was born in Port Conway, Virginia at the home of his mother's family. He was returned to Montpelier and remained here for most of his youth until attending college in Princeton, New Jersey. After his birth, his father built the first stage of the home that now stands restored on the grounds of Montpelier. Throughout his political life he returned to the family homestead to reflect and work on the document that shaped the United States. He served his country in Congress, as the Secretary of State, and finally as President. After retiring from politics, he returned to Montpelier to be with his wife Dolley. After his death at the family homestead Montpelier in 1836, James Madison was buried in an unmarked grave in the family cemetery on the grounds. His grave site remained unmarked until 1857 when a large obelisk was constructed at the burial site. His wife Dolley is buried next to him in a grave marked with a smaller obelisk. The Madison Family Cemetery is located on the grounds of Montpelier. The cemetery is available for visiting during times when the site is open. There is an admission charge to enter the grounds. --http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM7AV5_President_James_Madison_Madison_Family_Cemetery_Montpelier_Virginia
James Madison Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Somerset, Orange, Virginia, United States