Jonesville Cemetery

Clifton Park, Saratoga, New York, United States


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Descrição\n-------------------------------------------\nJonesville Cemetery, located in Jonesville, New York, is an 11.2 acre local cemetery about a 15-minute ride north of Albany, the capital of New York. The small community is named after James Jones who ran the former Jonesville Hotel (burned down in 1915 which prompted the building of a fire station in Jonesville), opposite the present Jonesville Country Store which now serves as a restaurant. He is interred in the cemetery with his family.\n\nJonesville Cemetery was authorized for establishment by the New York State Senate on January 15, 1864 but did not open until October 1, 1864. The map of the proposed layout of the cemetery was filed at the county seat on June 23, 1865 and a copy is in file DD-41 in the Clerk\'s Office there. Early on, 252 remains and monuments from the small Union Grove Cemetery in Jonesville were re-interred throughout the Jonesville Cemetery. That’s the reason for some markers dating back to 1799 – 1864. In fact, the oldest stone for Jemima Hubbs is dated January 10, 1799. Pieces of some of the monuments have been discovered and kept on property owned by residents on Dyer Drive and Main Street. The first directors were Roscius R. Kennedy, Samuel Langdon, Garnsey Kennedy, Morgan L. Finch, Alexander Hubbs, and John Higgins, who are all interred in Jonesville.\n\nThis was the time of the Civil War and markers of 100 veterans from that war, the Spanish American War, World War I and II, Korean and Vietnam Wars can be seen throughout the cemetery
Jonesville Cemetery, Criado por SunnyATB, Clifton Park, Saratoga, New York, United States