Milburn Methodist Church Cemetery

Stephenson, Frederick, Virginia, United States


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John Milburn, a converted Quaker established the church and cemetery about 1788. Services continued in the log chapel after Milburn's death in 1813 until it was severely damaged during Civil War battles. In 1887, the remaining members of the church voted to rebuild the church in another location and it was renamed the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Today, the church is known as the Emmanuel United Methodist Church. The cemetery eventually passed into the hands of James McCann with burials continuing through about 1920. Evidentally, no records were kept. This caused new grave excavations to disturb the ummarked remains of others. In 1992 ,the Emmanuel Church was maintaining the grounds and started fund-raising to restore the cemetery. Milburn is not a particularly well maintained cemetery and the owner is unknown. The cemetery is at the intersection of McCann and Milburn roads. Both roads are loose gravel. "No Trespassing" signs are posted. The entire area is being bought up by developers who have purchased more than 90% of the land surrounding the cemetery.
Milburn Methodist Church Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Stephenson, Frederick, Virginia, United States