Mount Pleasant

Taylor, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States


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History. The Mount Pleasant Cemetery is the only burial place in Taylor Township. The Mount Pleasant Church began as a United Brethren congregation. They worshiped for several years in the Henderson school house. Through the efforts of S. H. McMunagle, David Henderson, and others, funds were secured to build a frame edifice on Black Oak Ridge. Work commenced in 1859. The board of trustees at this time was Thomas Vauqhn, David Henderson, and Stephen McMunagle. The constituent members were S. H. McMunagle, Eve McMunagle, D Henderson and wife Polly Henderson, Nancy Henderson, Lydia Vaughn, and Polly Vaughn. The Church was dedicated by Rev. W. S. H. Keys in the spring of 1860, during Rev. R.G Rankin’s pastorate. It was repaired during the pastorate of Rev. J. M. Smith, in 1873, and was remodeled in 1881, at a cost of four hundred dollars, under the pastorate of Rev. L. W. Stahl. It was reopened Sunday, September 18, 1881, Rev. M. Spangler, of Altoona, officiating. The first church burned in 1901 and the present structure was built in 1902. It is presently an active United Methodist church.\n\nMount Pleasant was used as a burial place several years before the church was built and the cemetery association was organized in the early 1900s. The Vaughn family donated the first plot of land for the cemetery. Orvis Beckwith added to it, and McMonigal family gave the last portion of land. The cemetery records were in the McMonigal home when it burned down. It is part of the plot of ground on which Mount Pleasant Church stands. The Mount Pleasant Cemetery Association was formed in 1959 and annually sponsors a homecoming picnic.
Mount Pleasant, Criado por rt122219, Taylor, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States