Mt. Eden Christian Church Cemetery

Gibson Township, Washington, Indiana, United States


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The Church has a Cemetery including Graves back to 1810. The County Has changed from Washington County to Scott County. The Founding of the Church: This Indenture Witnesseth that we Jefferson Briant and Elizabeth Briant his wife of Washington County in the State of Indiana convey and warrant to James W Scrifies William Gater and Aristides Gross. Trustees of a grave yard and meeting house to be built on said Briant land in Gibson Township in said County and state for the sum of Twenty Five dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the following, Real Estate in Washington County in the State of Indiana to wit commencing at the North West Corner of Section four in township three North of Range five East thence running due East on the Congressional township line ten rods thence due South six rods thence due West ten rods thence due North six rods to the place of Beginning for the grave yard also to corner at the North East corner of section five in Township three North of Range five East thence running due West on said line twelve rods thence due South twelve rods thence due East eight rods thence due North six rods thence due East four rods thence due North six Rods to the place of beginning for a grave yard and a site to build a Meeting House on for the benefit of the Christian Church in Witness whereof the said Jefferson Briant and Elizabeth Briant his wife have let their hands and seals this 21st day of August 1866. From Translated documents at Washington County Courthouse submitted by Roger T Bryant
Mt. Eden Christian Church Cemetery, Criado por rogerbryant1, Gibson Township, Washington, Indiana, United States