Wahitapu Urupa (Influenza Memorial)

New Plymouth, New Plymouth District, Taranaki, New Zealand


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A memorial to Ngati Te Whiti and Taranaki-wide victims of the 1918-19 influenza epidemic, some of whom were buried, unmarked, in this urupa. The memorial - initiated by monumental mason, Callum Mahy, was unveiled by Trenton Martin - Chair of Ngati te Whiti - on 10 November 2018. One hundred years after their deaths in one of the world's worst pandemics, people lying forgotten in a seaside cemetery have been remembered. Taranaki monumental mason Callum Mahy said he heard about the unmarked graves when he was working on another project in the Wahitapu Urupa near Ngamotu Beach, New Plymouth. The story touched him and he decided the people in them should have a memorial. Some of them were among the 8600 people who died in New Zealand in the Spanish flu epidemic that swept the world in 1918, killing between 20 million and 40 million people. * Flu pandemic that killed thousands of New Zealanders could happen again * One-hundred years after the Spanish flu, where are the memorials? In Aotearoa, the epidemic was known as Black November because so many people died, more than 2000 of them Māori.
Wahitapu Urupa (Influenza Memorial), Criado por bebbles, New Plymouth, New Plymouth District, Taranaki, New Zealand