O'Nan Cemetery

Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky, United States


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Behind billboards between 630 Versailles Road Moore\'s Point Liquors and 632 Versailles Road Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - one obelisk with O\'Nan family member names and some dates and at least two smaller upright markers - dense growth impedes exploration - listed in findagrave as O\'Nan Family Cemetery: \n\"Cemetery notes and/or description:\nLocated near the intersection of Versailles Rd. (US 60) and Old Leestown Rd. (US 421). It is a very small family cemetery. Once part of a farm, it is now surrounded by businesses and is behind ground level billboards. It contains a very large family stone (about 10 feet tall) inscribed with the names of a couple and a list of their children. All of them have birth dates, but not all have date of death, so I\'m unsure if all were actually buried there. Also, there are 4 small stones in good condition and several stones in very poor condition. The cemetery was cleared of trash and brush in 2005 as part of an Eagle Scout Project. It was so overgrown that you couldn\'t even tell there were any monuments there, even the tall one. In fact, many in the community were surprised to learn the cemetery was there. 2011-Sadly, the cemetery is once again becoming overgrown. The scouts were not allowed to use any chemical herbicides to kill weeds. The manager of a nearby business had agreed to keep the cemetery mowed, but failed to follow through.\"\n\nphotos at http://www.brianharney.net/frankfort/pix/onan_cemetery/index.asp
O'Nan Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Frankfort, Franklin, Kentucky, United States