Old Baker Cemetery/Baldwin Cemetery

Monaca, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States


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Old Baker Cemetery, aka Baldwin Cemetery, is located at the east end of Monaca about 150 yards from the railroad tracks near the mill. Heading south on Monaca's main road, turn left on the mill road opposite Rome Monuments Company. The road is just before the bridge on Rt 51 (Pennsylvania Ave). Follow the road across the railroad tracks and you'll see the cemetery on the right. Only a few of the stones are legible, the remainder are unreadable due to weathering or are just plain fieldstones. The original property was owned by brothers, Anthony and Jacob Baker of Strasburg, Germany. They operated a store called Baker Trading Post. Anthony was a Civil War veteran. According to a newspaper article in 1973, his stone was visible. However, now it is not, or if it is there it is illegible. Historical records show that all those buried in the cemetery are relatives of the Bakers, either directly or through marriage. In 1901-02, the property was purchased by the Baldwin family to build a railroad spur into nearby factories. Heirs of the cemetery went to court and obtained an injunction to keep the cemetery intact. According to family members of those interred at the cemetery, the first person buried at the cemetery was Hannah Baker, daughter of Anthony Baker, in 1810. And the last known burial was that of Martha Baker in 1868. The cemetery is well maintained.
Old Baker Cemetery/Baldwin Cemetery, Criado por graver, Monaca, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States