Cathedral Church of St. James

Old Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada


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WIKIPEDIA: - "Upon his death in 1867, John Strachan, Toronto's first Anglican bishop, was buried in a vault beneath the high altar. Dean Henry James Grasett (1808–1882) was also buried here." - "Upon reopening in December 1839, the church became a cathedral. St. James Cemetery, the parish cemetery, was moved in the 1840s to St. James-the-Less at Parliament and Bloor, although there are still unmarked graves under the modern parking lot." - "To raise money to help pay for the rising costs of maintaining the cathedral, part of the grounds were planned to be sold to a condominium developer. Part of the land was ... the original cemetery, and the developers planned to move the graves in order to clear the land. A public outcry ensued, and a deal was made to sell off a parking lot to the northwest of the cathedral for the SP!RE condominium development."
Cathedral Church of St. James, Criado por SamuelTaylorGeer, Old Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada