Saint Michael's Episcopal Churchyard

Downtown Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, United States


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“Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church is the oldest church in Mercer County. Established in 1703, the church served as headquarters for the Hessian soldiers during the American Revolution. The cemetery contains many 18th and 19th century graves of prominent Trenton citizens.” – Downtown Trenton Artwalk “Some time between 1703 and 1748, according to a church summary of its history, the original St. Michael's Church was built in Trenton at the present location at Warren and Perry Streets . . . The original building was significantly rebuilt and enlarged in 1819. The main church, which had fronted on Perry Street, was extended towards Warren Street and a columned entrance façade was added. The church was extended further over the next fifty years until it reached its current dimensions and shape in 1870, when the nave was extended for the last time and the Warren Street towers, the current recessed chancel and the north transept, were added. The crenellated towers were designed in honor of the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose residence, Lambeth Palace in London, sports a very similar façade. Fantasy Gothic is the term usually applied to this style.” – New Jersey Churchscape “In addition to the church serving as the headquarters for the Hessian during the Revolutionary War, the site is also know for its historic graves, including those of United States Constitution Signer David Brearley and Pauline Savage, daughter of Joseph Bonaparte (brother of Napolean Bonaparte, king of Spain, and expatriate resident of nearby Bordentown) and his Philadelphia born mistress, and Trenton resident, Annette Savage. The child’s marble monument is topped with a dove and bears the inscription, “Erected by a bereft mother in the memory of a beloved child.”
Saint Michael's Episcopal Churchyard, Criado por AYoung, Downtown Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, United States