St Fillans Church, Aberdour

Aberdour, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom


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The churchyard is at the end of a pathway which skirts the east and south walls of Aberdour Castle gardens. St Fillan's church is situated in the churchyard at the end of a narrow path just outside the walled gardens of the castle. Dating back to the early 12th century, the church was granted to Inchcolm Abbey at its foundation in 1123. The church was abandoned in 1790 because the Countess of Morton did not like the populace of Aberdour coming to worship so close to Aberdour Castle! The church was restored in 1925-6. St. Fillan's church is surrounded by the graveyard which itself is surrounded by walls to the north and west which separate it from the castle and gardens. To the south there are views across the Firth of Forth to Edinburgh. There is a variety of headstones and table stones dating to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some of which are placed at the side of the path near the entrance which is at the NE of the site.
St Fillans Church, Aberdour, Criado por SamuelTaylorGeer, Aberdour, Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom