Smith Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery

Wentzville, St Charles, Missouri, United States


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Also known as: "Blackwell Lemer Cemetery", "Foristell Colored Cemetery."\n\nCemetery notes and/or description:\nSmith Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded on this site about 1905. The adjoining cemetery predates the congregation with the earliest marked graves from the 1870s to the 1880s. Sometime in the 1970s, the church merged with Wesley Chapel in Wright City, Mo.\n\nThe cemetery is referred to as the Foristell Colored Cemetery on many Missouri Death Certificates. In the St Charles County Cemetery book, it is called Blackwell-Lemer. The cemetery is about 1 square acre that can be accessed by a gated gravel drive off State Hwy W. There is no sign for the cemetery.\n\nThe church building was raised in the mid-2000s; the foundation remains. There is another building still standing which may have been used for a school or meeting house. This cemetery is well maintained by the Wesley Chapel Congregation.
Smith Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Criado por ryant, Wentzville, St Charles, Missouri, United States