1828 Black Cemetery

Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States


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Informações sobre o cemitério


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The boundary of the cemetery below reflects the approximate boundary as originally designated in the official City plan for Columbus, Georgia, in 1828, with the cemetery bounded on the west by what is now 6th Avenue, and the north and south by 7th and 6th Streets, respectively. Further research is needed to determine what happened to any graves that were originally there, and how (and why) an apartment complex covers the northern end of the cemetery, and a railroad was allowed to be constructed diagonally across the southern end of the property. The property size and boundaries are is clearly described on the historical marker placed at the main entrance to the property in the middle along 6th Avenue. Further research will also be needed to determine whether or when the original boundaries were changed to allow the above use of the original cemetery property.
1828 Black Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, United States