All Saints Roman Catholic Cemetery

Strathroy-Caradoc, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada


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The historical atlas of Middlesex County , by H.R. Page & Co. Toronto, 1878, shows that the owners of Con. 10 and Lot 9 , about the time of the consecration of the cemetery in 1880 , were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Saxton on the West Half and George Saxton Sr. on the East Half.\n The directory therein says that Geo. Sr., born in Canada, came here in 1859 and was a farmer. Perhaps he donated the land and they are likely buried in the Strathroy Municipal Cemetery, about half a mile away.\n The earliest burial was Julia Joyce on Apr. 24, 1851 and a John Kilbride on Apr. 2, 1856 . There were a few more in the 1870\'s . A.M. Bairns died Mar. 20 , 1877, John Winters died Jan. 6 1876, Francis Condon died Jan. 15, 1876 and Mary Climenhegg died Nov. 2 , 1879. The church writeup says the cemetery was consecrated by Bishop Walsh. There must have been burials for quite a few years before 1880, or perhaps they were moved from other locations.
All Saints Roman Catholic Cemetery, Criado por Kia, Strathroy-Caradoc, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada