Ashley Family Cemetery

Martin, Martin, Florida, United States


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According to local lore and The History of Martin County by Janet Hutchinson, this cemetery is the family burial ground of the Ashley family and assorted relatives. Some of these individuals gained notoriety in the early 1900s as an outlaw group that spent most of its time robbing banks. The latest date shown on existing headstones is 1946. Burials no longer are allowed. The cemetery was heavily vandalized in the past. It underwent restoration, including new headstones, around 1987. The inscriptions show the names of about 15 family members, and others, who are buried there; including two, “Lost at sea - Dec. 1921.” The Mariner Sands Property Owners’ Association succeeded to the title of the original developers of the surrounding community and maintains the cemetery. The current owner is not inclined to give permission for the general public to visit. It is actually near the community's chapel, which also serves separately as a columbaria, and should be identified separately. It is the burial place for the Ashley Family, also known in Martin County history as, "The Ashley Gang."
Ashley Family Cemetery, Criado por Hart, Martin, Martin, Florida, United States