Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church Graveyard

Basking Ridge, Somerset, New Jersey, United States


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The burial grounds of the church can be visited anytime and are composed of three areas. The graveyard is the area surrounding the church containing the oldest stones. Presbyterian vitality is evident here, as graves were moved in order to accommodate growth in the congregation and the attendant building expansion. To the north, behind the church, there remain a few large pine trees that formed an east west boundary of the graveyard. Beyond this point is the “new cemetery.” William Childs donated this property in 1911, believed to be the site of horse stables, and it was landscaped and designed with squares of eight burial sites. Hence, it is properly known as a cemetery. On the eastern most part of the graveyard along North Maple Avenue is the Memorial Garden. Developed in 1975, responding to congregational requests for a cremains resting place, the Memorial Garden was established incorporating a space for contemplation and comfort. The Graveyard, New Cemetery and Memorial Garden are under the perpetual care of the church. With markers dating to 1736, it is understandable that continuous maintenance and an occasional renewal are required.
Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church Graveyard, Criado por Richard, Basking Ridge, Somerset, New Jersey, United States