Calvary Cemetery: Second Calvary

New York City, Queens, New York, United States


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The first grave was dug in Calvary Cemetery on August 4th, 1848, so the bulk of burials here occurred after this date (though there are some cases of earlier burials being reintered within Calvary). ***To find your ancestors, look for the last name first, as well as the "maiden" name. Keep in mind of possible misspellings. The family headstone may be where they are buried but their name may not be mentioned on it. On the bottom of most stones is the grave location where you could ask the Calvary office if your ancestors are buried there. You may also want to look under "unknown" as the last name to reveal that one of them may be an ancestor. **The cemetery sections that have been photographed in their entirety so far are: Section 18 Section 24 Section 34 Exceptions include unreadable graves and graves that do not include monuments/markers - but photos were taken by walking across each row, methodically - so the above-listed sections should be consider 95 % complete in terms of what's visible at this time. Contributed by: MichaelCassara --Due to over three million burials occurring in this cemetery, BillionGraves has broken up the cemetery in four sections just as it is found on the Map for Calvary on their website.
Calvary Cemetery: Second Calvary, Criado por AYoung, New York City, Queens, New York, United States