Causey Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery

Austell, Cobb, Georgia, United States


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Cemetery is in the woods between Causey Chapel Baptist Church 3327 Humphries Hill Rd, Austell, GA and Smith Chapel United Methodist Church 3225 Pacific Ave SW Austell, GA. It is directly across the street from Causey's Chapel Cemetery, but it is unclear if is a part of the same cemetery. It is primarily an African-American Cemetery and appears abandoned; last burial in 1997. There are many unmarked graves indicated by stones. On the other side of the Baptist Church in a ravine, is another set of graves. I have included them here and they are marked in Notes section "Ravine." Old Smith Hill Cemetery may not be the proper name, but it is the common name. Inquiries to the churches, the city and county yielded no results.
Causey Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery , Criado por BillionGraves, Austell, Cobb, Georgia, United States