Confederate Cemetery

Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States


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This is a cemetery dedicated to those who fought on the side of the Confederate Army during the Civil War. It is located adjacent to the grounds of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. According to the grounds keeper, there are about 2500 soldiers buried in a mass grave at this cemetery. There are also 2 union soldiers buried here. The groundskeeper said the cemetery was originally located down near the Tennessee River, but flooding in the area was destroying it by washing away grave markers and perhaps some soldiers remains. It was moved a few years after the war ended to its current location so it could be preserved. The northern part of the cemetery is where the war dead were buried while the southern half is where wives, children, and direct descendants were buried. No non-confederate families are buried here. There is a difference between confederate and union headstones. Confederate headstone have a point at the top while the union have a round top. Most of the graves are unmarked, so took pictures of the historical markers. There were also a number of Unknowns. It lies between the Citizens Cemetery and the Mizpah Cemetery, and is kept up very well. RLTurner53 3/17/2013
Confederate Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States