Dean Cemetery, Dean Village

Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom


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A large, well maintained city cemetery with three sections. The original section opened in 1846, and holds many large and notable memorials, including on "Lord's Row", to the West of the cemetery. The main entrance is from Dean Path, to the East. There is also a smaller entrance on the West, from the grounds of the Gallery of Modern Art (Dean Gallery). There used to be an entrance from Belford Road to the South, but this has long been inaccessible, and the former access road has been used for burials. A new section was added in 1871, separated from the old section by a boundary wall running the length of the cemetery East to West. This is now the Middle section. It has a more regular layout than the old section, rectilinear and symmetrical. It was originally entered from its own gate on Dean Path, but that is usually locked these days. It is accessible from the original section through gaps in the boundary wall at the East and centre. It also has its own small entrance gate at the North West corner, from Ravelston Terrace. The third section, known as Edgehill, is on the other side of Ravelston Terrace, separate to the other sections. The only entrance to this section is from the North East, at the corner of Dean Path and Queensferry Road. This section was opened in 1909. It's close to, but not connected with, the former Dean Church. Dean Cemetery is one of the few Edinburgh cemeteries that hasn't passed to the council for maintenance. It’s managed and maintained by the Dean Cemetery Trust. Burial plots are still available. It is open 9am-5pm daily, or 9am-dusk in winter.
Dean Cemetery, Dean Village, Criado por SamuelTaylorGeer, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom