Eagle Point National Cemetery

Eagle Point, Jackson, Oregon, United States


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HISTORICAL INFORMATION Eagle Point National Cemetery is located 14 miles northeast of Medford, Ore., in Jackson County. The cemetery opened in 1952 as an adjunct to the Veterans Administration Domiciliary (VA) at White City about four miles away. The VA operated the cemetery until 1973 when it was transferred to the new National Cemetery System and renamed White City National Cemetery. On March 19, 1985, the name was changed again to Eagle Point National Cemetery to convey a more accurate sense of its location. MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS A carillon was donated by the American Veterans as part of their international living-memorial program, which began shortly after World War II. A memorial dedicated to All Unknown Veterans was erected at the cemetery in 1980 by the Disabled American Veterans organization. A memorial dedicated to all 1st Marine Divisions of all Wars was donated by the 1st Marine Division Association. NOTABLE PERSONS Others One notable burial at Eagle Point National Cemetery is Lieutenant George R. Tweed, U.S. Navy. Tweed was the sole survivor of a group captured by the Japanese after their occupation of Guam during World War II. Tweed hid on the island for more than two and one-half years evading capture and supplying valuable information to Allied forces. His ordeal inspired the book, Robinson Crusoe, USN and the movie No Man is An Island.
Eagle Point National Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Eagle Point, Jackson, Oregon, United States