Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery

Newberg, Yamhill, Oregon, United States


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Placement of remains in Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery must take place with the notification of the Sexton at Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery or someone on the Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery Association board; the same applies to burials. By Oregon State Mortuary laws, cremains placed or burial on private property, such as in a cemetery, require permission of the owners, such as the board before inurnment or burial can take place. Fernwood requires cremains to be in a certified mortuary container and not to be scattered over a grave. This must be done with the assistance of the Sexton, not by family members alone. Any given lot in the Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery may contain only one interment (burial) and one inurnment; OR two inurnments of someone who is direct relationship to Fernwood Pioneer Families or their spouses. The fee paid for lots are for usage for burial and/or inurnment; lots are not the property of the family. Lots may not be bought or sold by family members; the Board has control over who is buried in Fernwood. A burial or inurnment of any one other than the person identified on a certificate of ownership with a given family may take place with a notification and permission of the Board. Headstones, however. do belong to the family and indications of burials or inurnments are free if choice as to style by that family. However, headstones are to be flat surfaced and on the ground. Exceptions are granted, by the board, if lots already have historical upright headstones on the lots.
Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Newberg, Yamhill, Oregon, United States