Finger Ground (Old Plattekill Cemetery)

Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States


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If you are at the Boice's Farm Stand you have to go slightly north, and if you are at the Plattekill Church you have to go slightly south. There is a private road a few feet south of the #607 house (which is on the west side of Kings Highway) which takes you to the cemetery. The cemetery is on the left about 100 yards down that road. The little road is found by yellow ‘Look out for Motorcycles Please” signs as well as the 607/609 sign on Kings Highway. The cemetery is in terrible shape, despite being cleaned up by Boy Scouts a few years ago. Bamboo, periwinkle, and thorn bushes have taken over the site. It is very shaded by deciduous trees and parts of it flood with heavy rains. This historic cemetery, which includes at least seven Revolutionary War soldiers and several other veterans, encompasses .38 of an acre and is Ulster County Parcel 28.4-10-53.120.
Finger Ground (Old Plattekill Cemetery), Criado por Headstone Hunter, Saugerties, Ulster, New York, United States