Fort Sill Post Cemetery

Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma, United States


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Also known as Old Post Cemetery, Post Cemetery. Established in 1869 with the founding of Fort Sill, the Post Cemetery is a hallowed burial ground for soldier, Indian and pioneer alike. Until the 1880s this was the only established cemetery in southwestern Oklahoma. Indian mission cemeteries followed, then those of towns and cities, as the country was opened to settlement. This unique cemetery serves as a landmark for the past, present, and future. It includes the "Chiefs Knoll," where prominent Indian chiefs are buried. The earliest burial was Satank or Sitting Bear, who was killed in 1871 by 4th Cavalry troopers. Many other chief graves can be found here. Many of those buried were signers of the 1867 Medicine Lodge Treaty. Reburials of chiefs from the past have occurred, bringing the former leaders in from isolated grounds to this more centralized area. To the Indians of the southern plains, it is considered the "Indian Arlington."
Fort Sill Post Cemetery, Criado por PapaMoose, Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma, United States