Fulshear Cemetery

Fulshear, Fort Bend, Texas, United States


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Also known as Union Chapel and Fulshear Public Cemetery. More than six acres here of the Mexican Land Grant acquired in 1824 by "Old 300" colonist Churchill Fulshear, Sr., were donated to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, by Churchill Fulshear, Jr., in 1851. Originally Union Chappel Cemetery, it was renamed Fulshear for the town that developed here in the 1890's. The first record burial is that of Mahalia Sparks in 1850. A church building and school were erected here in the 1850's. The church relocated to Fulshear in 1894. Original church trustees were Randolph Foster, The Rev. John Patton, J. W. Miller, G. D. Parker, William Wade, and E. H. Kemp. I just added 72 photos and it tied them all to a cemetery that is far from the correct location. Please contact me if this cemetery cannot be added and I will remove the photos. This is my family and I do not want them tied to the incorrect spot. Thanks, Lee
Fulshear Cemetery, Criado por Letitia, Fulshear, Fort Bend, Texas, United States