Greenwich Cemetery

Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United States


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Greenwich Cemetery is the youngest of Savannah's municipal cemeteries, but is situated on a property with as much historical significance as any of them. Greenwich Plantation, with her manicured gardens full of ancient statuary, exotic plant specimens, and an elegant white marble fountain, was once considered the most magnificent, privately-owned estate in the South. Greenwich Cemetery was established in 1933 as the Greenwich Addition to Bonaventure. The cemetery is open to the public daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Visitors enjoy the open space, the abundance of natural plant and wildlife, and the pleasant breeze from the Wilmington River. The 65-acre cemetery is one of the most relaxing settings in all of Savannah. The cemetery offers one of the most scenic views of the river and adjacent marshlands. Prime cemetery space including perpetual care provided by the City of Savannah is still available.
Greenwich Cemetery, Criado por lesabgunn, Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United States