Hampton National Cemetery (VAMC)

Hampton, Hampton, Virginia, United States


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This small parcel of land, less than one-fifth acre, is located on the grounds of the Hampton Veterans Affairs Medical Center complex in Hampton, Va. Composed of 22 graves aligned in three rows, it is the smallest cemetery overseen by VA. Hampton National Cemetery (VAMC) was established in 1898 on the grounds of the Southern Branch of the National Home for Volunteer Soldiers and Sailors as an emergency measure during a Yellow Fever epidemic at the station. All men who died during the quarantine were to be buried here, regardless of the cause of death. At the onset of the epidemic, a rigid quarantine was enforced at the station and no one was allowed to leave or enter. The outbreak was contained and proved to be less severe than feared, however, with 43 documented cases. Twenty-two remains were interred here between July 30 and August 15, 1899. The men hailed mostly from New York and Pennsylvania, and included a blacksmith, carpenter, butcher and farmer. Hampton National Cemetery (VAMC) was transferred from the Department of the Army to the Veterans Administration in September 1973. It was one of 21 Veteran Administration cemeteries located on medical center grounds that were combined with the existing national cemeteries to form the National Cemetery system.
Hampton National Cemetery (VAMC), Criado por mormonbuddhist, Hampton, Hampton, Virginia, United States