Howell, Pease, Stokes Cemetery

Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, United States


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Located on the east side of St. Route 90, one quarter mile south of Salt Block Road, the cemetery is in an overgrown thicket, in the middle of a cow pasture, halfway up the side of a hill. All of the stones are fallen and some partially buried. In 1978, my husband, Jim Decker and I lifted all of the visable stones, cleaned and rubbed them to get the inscriptions, then laid them back down where we found them. When we revisited in 2020 to photograph stones for Billion Graves, none of the children's stones we had found earlier could be located. Although surrounded by an electric fence, cows had obviously visited the area, and no doubt broke or further buried the children's graves. Here is the transcription we made in 1978. We had not found Mary Howell Pease's stone the first time. Howell, Isaac d. Apr 28, 1823 aged 58 yrs 2mo 9da Rhoda wife of Isaac Howell d. March 27, 1838 aged 71y 3mo 11da Howell, Silas d. April 20, 183__ aged 30 yrs. Pease, Ezra d. March 31, 1869 age 66yrs. Stokes, Infant son of H. and R.A. Stokes d. Feb 20, 1856 Lived 1yr 2mo 3da Stokes, Infant son of H. R.A. Stokes d. Aug 11, 1874 Aged 7yrs Other stones in vicinity but without names: Infant daughter d. Feb 3, 1854 aged 4months "Our little Fred We miss him Gone but not forgotton" no age or date given Infant son d. Feb 20, 1856 aged 1yr
Howell, Pease, Stokes Cemetery, Criado por Kathleen Decker, Montezuma, Cayuga, New York, United States