Iona Cemetery

Southwold, Elgin, Ontario, Canada


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Iona Cemetery Iona, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada Talbot Line Iona, Elgin County, Ontario Canada Coordinates: 42.69688, -81.38728 519-769-2010 Copyright by the Ontario Genealogical Society, Elgin County Branch 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microform reproduction, recording, or otherwise – without prior permission of the publisher. The cemetery, which occupies the southwest corner of Lot 2, is a silent reminder to the children of today that their ancestors lived and died. In this small corner sleep nearly all the early settlers, with the exception of John Harris and Daniel Silcox, who were buried at Frome; also Bryan Holme, who was buried on his farm, where a monument now stands to mark the spot where he, his first wife, and son sleep. First burial took place about 1816, being a man who was traveling through, and who died and was carried for miles by his friends in search of a suitable place. The place where the cemetery now stands was offered by Daniel McIntyre, its owner, and the man was buried. Shortly after, a man by the name of William Angus was killed and buried here. But the first recorded monument is one, the wife of Samuel Garnsey, who died in 1820, aged 68 years. Many monuments now stand to mark the last resting place of the settlers from this early date up to the present (1895). Many persons, whose exact place is forgotten, and now quite unknown, lie buried in this cemetery. Extracted from “School Section No. 10 Southwold”, an essay written by Mary Hamilton in A Pioneer History of Elgin County, published by James S. Brierly in The Southern Counties Journal. In 1962 the cemetery was cleaned up and put in its present state.
Iona Cemetery, Criado por lesabgunn, Southwold, Elgin, Ontario, Canada