Kensington Burial Grounds

Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


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This cemetery was founded in the early 18th century, on land given to the community by the family of Anthony Palmer, a former Governor of Pennsylvania, businessman and ships captain. Anthony Palmer found the community of Kensington in the Northern Liberties section, just north of the original Philadelphia city limits. The area now known as Fishtown, was a thriving fishing community originally settled by Swedish and German immigrants. Anthony Palmer purchased a large section along the banks of the Delaware River and laid out the community of Kensington, named for a section of London, familiar to Palmer. \n\nThis cemetery has been an active burial ground for over 280 years. There are members of the original fishing and ship building familys buried here, along with soldiers from every war from the American Revolution to the Viet Nam War. The cemetery sits on about 2 acres of ground in the middle of Philadelphia neighborhood. The cemetery is cared for by volunteers for the most part, and survives on grants and donations from the general public. \n\nThe cemetery is a \"Free\" burial ground. Anyone who lives in the neighborhood or has property rights can be buried in the cemetery. Basically, the cemetery is full. We do make room for cremation remains and we do allow casket burials in graves occupied by other family members, if there is enough room in the plot. It is estimated that 40,000 to 50,000 people were buried in this cemetery from its inception. I am not sure if that is true or not. Records for the cemetery are missing prior to 1859. Records after 1859 are held by the Pennsylvania Historical Society in Philadelphia. \n Also known as Palmer Burial Ground, Palmer Cemetery Charitable Grounds
Kensington Burial Grounds, Criado por PalmercemeteryPhiladelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States