Keystone Heights Cemetery

Keystone Heights, Clay, Florida, United States


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The original Keystone Heights Cemetery is at the western border of Bradford County at SE 1st Avenue and Highway 100. There is an infant section in this part of the cemetery. Adjacent land was purchased to the east in neighboring Clay County with the first burial there in 1961. Blocks of graves are laid out in 12-lot sections with as many grave sites as wanted purchased within a block and single lots are available. The cemetery association originally comprised of volunteer members has turned over the cemetery to the City of Keystone Heights for administration. The city now maintains the cemetery, sells the lots and keeps records of burials through its burial permitting process. Additional information may be from the Florida Death Index (1877-1998) or Social Security Death Index (1935-2014). Energetic volunteers and the Lakes Garden Club make this a welcoming and peaceful cemetery.
Keystone Heights Cemetery, Criado por dojomo, Keystone Heights, Clay, Florida, United States