Kranji War Cemetery and Singapore Memorial

Singapore, North Region, North, Singapore


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KRANJI WAR CEMETERY. There are 4,461 World War II casualties buried or commemorated at this cemetery, of which more than 850 of these are unidentified. There are 64 World War I headstones, of which three commemorate casualties known to have been buried elsewhere but whose graves could not be found on concentration. SINGAPORE MEMORIAL. Singapore Memorial stands in Kranji War Cemetery. It bears the names of more than 24,000 casualties of the land and air forces of the Commonwealth who died during the campaigns in Malaya and Indonesia or in subsequent captivity and have no known grave. The memorial also commemorates airmen who died during operations over the whole of southern and eastern Asia and the surrounding seas and oceans. This cemetery is located at Kranji, near Kranji War Cemetery. With an area of 2 acres, the Kranji State Cemetery is reserved for the burial of persons who have made a significant contribution to Singapore, and is maintained by the National Environment Agency. War graves sections are maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Kranji War Cemetery and Singapore Memorial, Criado por David58, Singapore, North Region, North, Singapore