Lake View Cemetery

Seattle, King, Washington, United States


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LOCATED ON A BREATHTAKING EXPANSE atop Capitol Hill, this burial ground was established in 1872 as the Seattle Masonic Cemetery, changing its name to the Lake View Cemetery in 1890. Now nestled in the middle of an affluent neighborhood, the cemetery serves as the final resting place of several iconic American figures, including poet Denise Levertov, painter Cordelia Wilson, founder of Nordstrom department store John W. Nordstrom, and a number of Seattle’s great pioneers. Having been founded only seven years after the Civil War, this graveyard has become deeply intertwined in America’s short but rich history. Arguably the most popular plot for celebrity grave hunters is that of Brandon and Bruce Lee, father and son martial artists and film actors. Buried side-by-side, Brandon occupying the plot originally reserved for his mother, both men died tragically while on the set of films they were working on. Bruce was 32 when he suffered cerebral edema while doing dubbing work at the studio. Brandon was only 28 when he was accidentally shot on the set of “The Crow”, a major motion picture that was likely to skyrocket his fledgling acting career.
Lake View Cemetery, Criado por BillionGraves, Seattle, King, Washington, United States