Lambeg Parish Church

Lisburn, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom


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The site of the Churchyard is an ancient one and was at one time occupied by a 13th century Franciscan Monastery. They were an order of friars founded by St.Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) in 1209. They were sometimes known as the “Grey Friars”. The south side of the Churchyard is still to this day referred to as the Nun’s Garden. There have been burials in the ground surrounding the Church from very early times. The oldest gravestone is dated 1626 and reads “Here lyeth the body of Margaret Wilson, wife of Donnell Savage, who departed this life the 24 April 1626”. Other notable early graves are those of Clergy from other denominations who served in the Lisburn area. The churchyard is the resting place of many of the notable families who were instrumental in the development of the Linen Industry in Lambeg and Lisburn. Wolfenden. The Wolfenden family who were Huguenots established themselves in Lambeg in the 17th century when Abraham Wolfenden came to Ireland, probably from the low countries. A paper mill, which became the largest in the North of Ireland, was set up on the Co.Down side of Lambeg . They later set up a mill on the Co.Antrim side for the production of blankets. The family were later involved in the manufacture of linen. The family graves occupy a large enclosure headed by a large red sandstone monument, which bears the date of 1693. Source:
Lambeg Parish Church, Criado por Hudson4866, Lisburn, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom